The Establishment Conference and the First Plenary Meeting of China BWIPS

In order to promote the invention in broadband wireless IP technology, reinforce the competition of independent intellectual property of China and meet the challenges of markets, the first meeting of the ChinaBWIPS was held on August 14, 2001 in Beijing under the host of Science and Technology Department of Ministry of Information Industry, with the 25 attendance from XiDian University, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China IWNCOMM Co., Ltd., Hanwang Technologies, Ins., China Electronics Standardization Institute, Xi’an Jiaotong University, North Jiaotong University, GuiLin Electronic College, China Telecom, China Commercial Key Management Office, Electronic Management Office of Ministry of Information Industry and Information Office of Shaanxi.

During the meeting, leaders from the Ministry of Information Industry Science and Technology Department first claimed the aim, requirements and the basic mechanism for running of the Broadband Wireless IP Standards Working Group. The working group should be open, self-disciplined and full of energy, and we welcome all the companies that pay attention to the field to participant in the working group. The working group should open to the market, and develop standards according to the demand of the industry, hold the flag of standards, make full use of the experience from successful foreign body meanwhile to fully control the standard development process, combine and coordinate with others to form the correlated standards that suit for the homeland, publish standards timely and perfectly develop the standards, gain commercial chances through standards and intellectual property to contribute more to the information industry. The working group should unit all of us in a free circumstance, unusually coordinate and advance the work with the aim of high quality.

Then, XiDian University on behalf of the ChinaBWIPS gave report on the Status Quo and Development for Wireless IP Technology, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications made report of Chances and Challenges for the Combination of IP Network and Wireless Technology, Pro. Wang Yumin made the report of security and Encryption of Wireless IP, and Pro. Qiu Hongbin from Guilin Electronic College made the report of the Status Quo and Development for UWB Communication. The representatives made hot discussion over the correlated technology, and the meeting ascertained the main research direction of the wireless IP standard working group, including: the connection of short-distance broad-band wireless IP, the connection of mobile IP, the mobility of IP, the security of wireless IP, the wireless transmitting of TCP/IP, IP service, etc.

Finally, the meeting made research and discussion over the research content and the chapters of the working group. Pro. Li Jiandong of XiDian University was voted as the leader of the broadband wireless IP working group and two liaisons were appointed by the Ministry of Information Industry; the secretariat of working group was set in the China IWNCOMM. Co., Ltd. in Xi’an.

The meeting fulfilled all the agenda and was finished on August 15.

Copyright © 2001-2012 China Broadband Wireless IP Standard Working Group